How can we help you with your service today?
Start, update, or stop your service online in minutes.
How would you describe yourself?
Let’s Start Your New Service
You’ll need:
- Your new address.
- Your move-in date.
- A valid form of identification. If you don’t have an ID, you’ll need to pay a deposit. If you’re starting commercial service, you’ll need your tax ID.
Note: If service is currently in your landlord’s name, we’ll transfer ownership to you automatically.
Let’s Move Your Service
It’s easier to change your service address instead of starting new service. We can help you take care of that now.
You’ll need:
- Your current address and new address.
- Your move-out and move-in dates.
- An online account. Don’t have one? Register now to manage your service or call 1-877-779-6943.
- If you have a business account, you’ll need to call us to manage your service.
Your move-in date must be no more than 30 days from today.
What will your new ZIP code be?
Let’s Move Your Service
Since you’re already a Con Edison customer, moving your service is simple.
You’ll need your:
- Current and new addresses
- Move-out and move-in dates
- An online account. Don’t have one? Register now to manage your service call 1-877-779-6943.
- If you have a business account, you’ll need to call us to manage your service.
In order to move your service your move date must be no more than 30 days from today.
Looks Like There’s an Issue On Our Side
Please try again or call 1-877-779-6943.
This Address May Not Be in Our Service Area
Please double check your ZIP code and try again.
If you’re leaving Con Edison’s service territory in New York City and Westchester, you’ll need to stop service at your current address before your move.
Why do you need to stop your service?
Let’s Move Your Service
It’s easier to change your service address instead of starting a new service. We can help you take care of that now.
You’ll need your:
- Login ID
- Current address and new address
- Move-out and move-in dates
- An online account. Don’t have one? Register now to manage your service call 1-877-779-6943.
In order to move your service your move date must be no more than 30 days from today.
Start Service in Your Name
You’ll need to start service. We’ll ask the current account holder or landlord to stop service, then we’ll transfer ownership to you.